
Get your Plant SAP MES Metrics at your Fingertips through the unique RTS Apple SIRI App

RTS Consulting – Automation has developed a SIRI App that delivers real-time productivity, quality, equipment status, and any production data from your plant floor straight to your smartphone to help increase critical KPI awareness.

Real Time Location Tracking Solution

RTS assists organizations in defining the appropriate RTLS technology based on their MES strategy, business objectives, and shop-floor requirements, leading them on their digital transformation journey of Industry 4.0.

SAP DM with MS Teams Integration: Seamless Collaboration and Communication

RTS offers Microsoft Teams integration with SAP Digital Manufacturing solutions. This integration allows seamless collaboration and communication between manufacturing teams, enabling real-time information sharing and decision-making. By combining the power of SAP’s MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and Microsoft Teams’ collaboration tools, businesses can streamline their production processes, improve efficiency, and enhance team productivity.

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